2018年8月2日 星期四

The very Day and the next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn should be both the Good/Fortune Day with Help from Heaven and both the Fortune Delivery Angel Day as well! 樂透開獎日期與開獎次日這兩天都是天助吉日/天助幸運日且都是運財天使日!

Working Steps for Worldwide LOTTERY WINNERS


(1)     Examine the Total Scores obtained on both the very Day and the next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn. The Total Scores obtained on these two days should be both over 98.


Total Scores obtained on this Day = 
這一天所獲得之財運總分數 = 

(2)     Examine the Lucky Side-Fortune scores obtained on both the very Day and the next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn. The Lucky Side-Fortune scores obtained on these two days should be both over 80.


It's a very important Lucky Side-Fortune Day to have a Fortunate Star!
On this Day the Lucky Side-Fortune scores = 

在這一天偏財幸運好運之財運分數 = 


(3)     The very Day and the next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn should be both the Good/Fortune Day with Help from Heaven and both the Fortune Delivery Angel Day as well!


The very Day and the next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn should be both the Good/Fortune Day with Help from Heaven and both the Fortune Delivery Angel Day as well!


***** Congratulations! The Good Star with Help from Heaven is very ACTIVE on this Day! *****
***** Congratulations! The Fortune Star with Help from Heaven is very ACTIVE on this Day! *****

***** Congratulations! The Fortune Star #1 (the so-called Fortune Delivery Angel) at this Favorable Fortune Receiving Bi-Hour Time is very ACTIVE! *****

***** 恭喜! 在這一天的天助吉星非常活躍! *****
***** 恭喜! 在這一天的天助幸運星非常活躍! *****

***** 恭喜! 在這吉祥有利入財兩小時段中之編號 #1 財富星(即俗稱所謂的運財天使)非常活躍! *****

代碼符號 Symbols:

T - 財運總分數 Total Fortune Scores  ( T >= 98 )
S - 偏財幸運好運之財運分數 Lucky Side-Fortune scores  ( S > 80 )

G - 天助吉日 The Good Day with Help from Heaven ( G or 或 F )
F - 天助幸運日 The Fortune Day with Help from Heaven

N - 運財天使日 The Fortune Delivery Angel Day ( N )
I - 收入現金日 The Cash Income Day ( I )

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2009/06/15 - ( T 364 )( S 100 ) N C

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2009/06/16 - ( T 308 )( S 100 ) E F N B C I 

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2010/01/01 - ( T 294 )( S 200 ) N 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2010/01/02 - ( T 210 )( S 0 ) E V N I 

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2017/10/20 - ( T 98 )( S 140 ) ! D G N C I 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2017/10/21 - ( T 763 )( S 190 ) A G N B C I  

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2017/10/31 - ( T 305.2 )( S 190 ) E F N B C I 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2017/11/01 - ( T 112 )( S 150 ) ! D A F N B C I

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2017/11/27 - ( T 390.6 )( S 350 ) H V P F N B C I 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2017/11/28 - ( T 98 )( S 250 ) E F N B C I 

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2017/11/30 - ( T 602 )( S 250 ) A G N B I 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2017/12/01 - ( T 322 )( S 250 ) D A V P N

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2017/12/01 - ( T 322 )( S 250 ) D A V P N

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2017/12/02 - ( T 98 )( S 300 ) R G N I 

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2017/12/07 - ( T 406 )( S 200 ) D N 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2017/12/08 - ( T 476 )( S 300 ) A G N B I 

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2017/12/22 - ( T 98 )( S 180 ) D F N B C I 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2017/12/23 - ( T 182 )( S 140 ) A N B C I 

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2018/01/01 - ( T 196 )( S 100 ) D A N B C I 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2018/01/02 - ( T 504 )( S 150 ) V P F N B C I 

樂透開獎日 The very Day of the lottery balls to be drawn:

2018/01/03 - ( T 98 )( S 100 ) D F N B C I 

樂透開獎次日即兌換中獎彩券贏得現金日 The next Day of the lottery balls to be drawn i.e. the next day to cash the lottery for the winning prize:

2018/01/04 - ( T 182 )( S 200 ) N C I 

Whatsoever for the ancient Emperor's exclusive royal Future Prediction is now at your service


The Victory Prediction for Elections

The Recovery Day Prediction for leaving the Hospital/The Problem Solving Day Prediction

The Life-Span Extension Day Prediction

The Unhealthy Day Prediction with Illness

The Life Dangerous Day Prediction

The Annoying Day Prediction in Low Spirits

The Prediction for the Examination Passing or Wisdom Day

The Bill-Payment Day Prediction

The Cash Disbursement Day Prediction

The Prediction of Troublesome (Including Hospitalization or Penalty) or Money-Spending (Including Loss or Unfortunate Matter) Events

Best Time for Investment in the Stock Market/Profit to earn/Lottery to purchase:

The Good/Fortune Day Prediction for the Help from Heaven

The Fortune Delivery Angel Day Prediction

The Cash Income Day Prediction

…… and so on
…… 等等

Fate Prediction and Future Prediction

The God's Code for Future Prediction

They compete to control the people on the Earth and know nothing about Future Fate

We alone control the Future Fate and Time of people





Please visit the following official websites for free reading:


[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day]

總結論 Conclusion - 查詢日期 Search Date (出生日期及兩小時段 Birth Date & Bi-Hour Time/性別 Gender)

1829/05/07 (1797/02/05/#07 BiHour AM 11:00–PM 01:00/1 Male 男性) 
( T 116.2 )( S 80 ) D F N 
#01 80 X * M 
#02 80 X 
#03 130 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $4 X M 
#04 180 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 X * M 
#05 110 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 * M 
#06 80 $1 $4 $5 X * M 
#07 80 $3 X M 
#08 100 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 X M 
#09 280 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $3 $4 * M 
#10 160 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 X 
#11 80 X * M 
#12 110 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $1 $4 $5 X * M 

代碼符號 Symbols:

T - 財運總分數 Total Fortune Scores
S - 偏財幸運好運之財運分數 Lucky Side-Fortune scores
! - 注意小心:生命危險日 Attention carefully: The Life Dangerous Day
H - 注意小心:疾病與不健康日 Attention carefully: The Unhealthy Day with Illness
E - 延壽日 The Life-Span Extension Day
D - 生命危險日 The Life Dangerous Day
A - 不快樂的煩惱日(含下方之 X) The Annoying Day in Low Spirits (Including X below)
V - 陞官或贏得勝利日 The Promotion or Victory Winning Day
P - 考試成功通過或聰明日 The Examination Passing or Wisdom Day
R - 生病康復日或住院出院日或問題解決日 The Recovery Day from Illness or the Leaving Day from the Hospital or Problem Solving Day
G - 天助吉日 The Good Day with Help from Heaven
F - 天助幸運日 The Fortune Day with Help from Heaven
N - 運財天使日 The Fortune Delivery Angel Day
B - 支付帳單日 The Bill-Payment Day
C - 支出現金日 The Cash Disbursement Day
I - 收入現金日 The Cash Income Day

Whatsoever for the ancient Emperor's exclusive royal Future Prediction is now at your service


The Victory Prediction for Elections

The Recovery Day Prediction for leaving the Hospital/The Problem Solving Day Prediction

The Life-Span Extension Day Prediction

The Unhealthy Day Prediction with Illness

The Life Dangerous Day Prediction

The Annoying Day Prediction in Low Spirits

The Prediction for the Examination Passing or Wisdom Day

The Bill-Payment Day Prediction

The Cash Disbursement Day Prediction


The Prediction of Troublesome (Including Hospitalization or Penalty) or Money-Spending (Including Loss or Unfortunate Matter) Events


Best Time for Investment in the Stock Market/Profit to earn/Lottery to purchase:

The Good/Fortune Day Prediction for the Help from Heaven

The Fortune Delivery Angel Day Prediction

The Cash Income Day Prediction

…… and so on
…… 等等

Fate Prediction and Future Prediction

The God's Code for Future Prediction

They compete to control the people on the Earth and know nothing about Future Fate

We alone control the Future Fate and Time of people





Please visit the following official websites for free reading:


[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day]

總結論 Conclusion - 查詢日期 Search Date (出生日期及兩小時段 Birth Date & Bi-Hour Time/性別 Gender)

1829/05/07 (1797/02/05/#07 BiHour AM 11:00–PM 01:00/1 Male 男性) 
( T 116.2 )( S 80 ) D F N 
#01 80 X * M 
#02 80 X 
#03 130 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $4 X M 
#04 180 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 X * M 
#05 110 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 * M 
#06 80 $1 $4 $5 X * M 
#07 80 $3 X M 
#08 100 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 X M 
#09 280 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $3 $4 * M 
#10 160 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 X 
#11 80 X * M 
#12 110 +++ Positive Time 正向時間 $1 $4 $5 X * M 

代碼符號 Symbols:

T - 財運總分數 Total Fortune Scores
S - 偏財幸運好運之財運分數 Lucky Side-Fortune scores
! - 注意小心:生命危險日 Attention carefully: The Life Dangerous Day
H - 注意小心:疾病與不健康日 Attention carefully: The Unhealthy Day with Illness
E - 延壽日 The Life-Span Extension Day
D - 生命危險日 The Life Dangerous Day
A - 不快樂的煩惱日(含下方之 X) The Annoying Day in Low Spirits (Including X below)
V - 陞官或贏得勝利日 The Promotion or Victory Winning Day
P - 考試成功通過或聰明日 The Examination Passing or Wisdom Day
R - 生病康復日或住院出院日或問題解決日 The Recovery Day from Illness or the Leaving Day from the Hospital or Problem Solving Day
G - 天助吉日 The Good Day with Help from Heaven
F - 天助幸運日 The Fortune Day with Help from Heaven
N - 運財天使日 The Fortune Delivery Angel Day
B - 支付帳單日 The Bill-Payment Day
C - 支出現金日 The Cash Disbursement Day
I - 收入現金日 The Cash Income Day

+++ Positive Time 正向時間
--- Negative Time 負向時間

$1 - 編號 #1 財富星(運財天使) The Fortune Star #1 (Fortune Delivery Angel)
$2 - 編號 #2 財富星(運財天使) The Fortune Star #2 (Fortune Delivery Angel)
$3 - 編號 #3 財富星(運財天使) The Fortune Star #3 (Fortune Delivery Angel)
$4 - 編號 #4 財富星(運財天使) The Fortune Star #4 (Fortune Delivery Angel)
$5 - 編號 #5 財富星(運財天使) The Fortune Star #5 (Fortune Delivery Angel)

X - 麻煩(含去醫院或罰單等)或金錢花費支出(含破財或不利等)之兩小時段 The Troublesome (Including Hospitalization or Penalty) or Money-Spending (Including Loss or Unfortunate Matter) Bi-Hour Time
* - 易發生危險之兩小時段 The Dangerous Bi-Hour Time
M - 位置移動之兩小時段 The Bi-Hour Time to move Location

#01 - #12 兩小時段之代碼符號 Symbols of Bi-Hour Time:

#01 Bi-Hour PM 23:00–AM 01:00 (Last Night 前晚 - Early Midnight 今晨夜半)
#02 Bi-Hour AM 01:00–AM 03:00 (Early Midnight 今晨夜半)
#03 Bi-Hour AM 03:00–AM 05:00 (Dawn 黎明破曉)
#04 Bi-Hour AM 05:00–AM 07:00 (Dawn 黎明破曉)
#05 Bi-Hour AM 07:00–AM 09:00 (Morning 早上)
#06 Bi-Hour AM 09:00–AM 11:00 (Morning 早上)
#07 Bi-Hour AM 11:00–PM 13:00 (Noon 中午)
#08 Bi-Hour PM 13:00–PM 15:00 (Afternoon 下午)
#09 Bi-Hour PM 15:00–PM 17:00 (Afternoon 下午)
#10 Bi-Hour PM 17:00–PM 19:00 (Nightfall 傍晚)
#11 Bi-Hour PM 19:00–PM 21:00 (Night 晚上)
#12 Bi-Hour PM 21:00–PM 23:00 (Midnight 深夜; After PM 23:00 = #01 Bi-Hour Tomorrow 深夜 PM 23:00 後是明日 #01 Bi-Hour)

...... and so on ...... 等等

***Summary of the Best lottery ball numbers with Quantum Entanglement as well as their nearby numbers on this Day and at each Bi-Hour Time***

60球Balls 38球Balls 39球Balls 49球Balls 69球Balls(Powerball)


40 34=(02 34)(01 34)(40 34)(40 34)
05 31=(05 31)(05 31)(05 31)(05 65 31)
15 60=(15 22)(15 21)(15 11)(15 60)
09 44=(09 06)(09 05)(09 44)(09 69 44)
09 60=(09 22)(09 21)(09 11)(09 69 60)
31 33=(31 33)(31 33)(31 33)(31 33)
51 60=(13 22)(12 21)(02 11)(51 60)
13 60=(13 22)(13 21)(13 11)(13 60)
48 60=(10 22)(09 21)(48 11)(48 60)
48 02=(10 02)(09 02)(48 02)(48 02 62)
26 60=(26 22)(26 21)(26 11)(26 60)
16 60=(16 22)(16 21)(16 11)(16 60)
01 60=(01 22)(01 21)(01 11)(01 61 60)

...... and so on ...... 等等

[#49-2 (49 Balls 49 球) - Number 號碼 -(Dimensions at North Pole 在北極之次方元數)+(Dimensions at South Pole 在南極之次方元數)]

05 -(06)+(02) 11 -(05)+(11) 09 -(05)+(03) 
10 -(05)+(02) 02 -(04)+(02) 48 -(04)+(xx) 
03 -(03)+(02) 01 -(03)+(01) 04 -(03)+(01) 
06 -(03)+(01) 08 -(03)+(01) 15 -(03)+(01) 
26 -(03)+(01) 31 -(03)+(01) 16 -(02)+(02) 
13 -(02)+(01) 40 -(02)+(01) 49 -(02)+(01) 
20 -(01)+(05) 07 -(01)+(02) 12 -(01)+(02) 
17 -(01)+(02) 25 -(01)+(01) 32 -(01)+(01) 
45 -(01)+(01) 29 -(01)+(xx) 46 -(01)+(xx) 
47 -(01)+(xx) 33 -(xx)+(03) 14 -(xx)+(02) 
18 -(xx)+(02) 21 -(xx)+(02) 30 -(xx)+(02) 
35 -(xx)+(02) 37 -(xx)+(02) 22 -(xx)+(01) 
23 -(xx)+(01) 27 -(xx)+(01) 28 -(xx)+(01) 
34 -(xx)+(01) 41 -(xx)+(01) 42 -(xx)+(01) 
44 -(xx)+(01) 19 -(xx)+(xx) 24 -(xx)+(xx) 
36 -(xx)+(xx) 38 -(xx)+(xx) 39 -(xx)+(xx) 
43 -(xx)+(xx) 

...... and so on ...... 等等


[摘要與守護天使或運財天使的重要訊息 - 守護天使 : 生命危險與疾病不健康危險。 運財天使 : 吉祥有利運財入財時間/陞官或贏得勝利日/考試成功通過或聰明日/生病康復日或住院出院日或問題解決日/天助吉日/天助幸運日/運財天使日/支付帳單日/支出現金日/收入現金日]


[第一段 - 先天命運]

1. 每天的財運總分數(0分不佳、10 分以上佳、或 98 分以上為特佳)。
2. 每天的偏財分數(10分以上佳、或 80 分以上為特佳)。
3. 每天每個時辰(每兩個小時)的偏財分數及其走勢(正向偏財變佳或是負向偏財變弱)。
4. 延壽日提醒(沐浴休養愛睡延壽)。
5. 危險日警示(不謹慎小心則容易受傷甚至於身亡)。
6. 煩惱日提醒(醫院、罰單、破財、不順、不吉、不利、煩惱)。
7. 麻煩事件提醒(醫院、罰單、吵架、破財、不吉、不利、不悅事件等等)及今日之先天麻煩事務與時間列表。
8. 危險事件及行車事故警示(外出應謹慎小心避免發生危險事件及車禍事故)與今日之先天危險時間及方位列表。
9. 請特別注意此種文字危險及車禍警示訊息 *****注意小心:***** 在這一天當中的危險星及車禍星(即俗稱所謂的撒旦與魔鬼)是極端地活躍與危險!!! (守護天使傳達予您的重要訊息)

[第二段 - 今日入財之先天最佳時間及方位列表]

10. 先天命運之最佳每日入財時間(計算至分鐘、 誤差為加減10分鐘)及方位列表。請特別注意此種文字祝賀訊息 ***** 恭喜! 在這吉祥有利入財兩小時段中之編號 #1 財富星(即俗稱所謂的運財天使)非常活躍! ***** 使用範例: 計程車司機可利用此列表之最佳每日入財時間及方位去尋找機動性的乘客收入、股票買賣則可選在運財天使非常活躍時刻進出場操作。
11. 事件發生之相關參與人士、主題及對象目標:請特別注意此種文字訊息 - 遠離家庭及住房居住地的交通或是搬換住家/戶外事件,其出現所顯示列出的時間表與兩小時段(除了你的睡眠或休息時間外),正是您要開始離開一個地方(通常是家裡,辦公室或是當前位置等)到另一個地方的時間,即顯示列出開始離開一個地方而前往另外一個地方的時間和兩小時段(標明人們出生後每天的位置移動與經過守護天使的第一次初始召喚完成後之具有守護天使保護的程序)。


[第三段 - 宇宙號碼]

12. 可作全球彩券迷購買彩券時選號參考之宇宙星球號碼。
13. 可至官網網頁研究全球彩券中獎者的工作流程並尋找量子糾纏號碼及鄰近號碼。


[User's Guide]

[Summary and THE IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM THE GUARDIAN ANGEL or THE FORTUNE DELIVERY ANGEL - THE GUARDIAN ANGEL : The Life and Unhealthy Illness Dangers. THE FORTUNE DELIVERY ANGEL : The Best Fortune Incoming and Delivery Time/The Promotion or Victory Winning Day/The Examination Passing or Wisdom Day/The Recovery Day from Illness or the Leaving Day from the Hospital or Problem Solving Day/The Good Day with Help from Heaven/The Fortune Day with Help from Heaven/The Fortune Delivery Angel Day/The Bill-Payment Day/The Cash Disbursement Day/The Cash Income Day.]

List of your LOCATION MOVING Time/Direction and the Bi-Hour Time on this Day (but not moving in your sleeping or resting time)

[Paragraph One - Destined Fate]

1. Total Scores obtained on this Day (Score 0 Not Good, 10 or more Good, 98 or more the Best.).
2. The Lucky Side-Fortune scores on this Day (Score 10 or more Good, 80 or more the Best.).
3. The Lucky Side-Fortune scores at each Bi-Hour Time (every two hours) and their trends (positive toward more or negative toward less).
4. The Life-Span-Age Extension Day reminder (Good Meals, Rest, Bath, Good Sleep, a Sleepy Day, the Minimum Works.).
5. The Life Dangerous Day Alert (Disaster, Injury, Death without Caution. Easy to be injured or even died.).
6. The Annoying Day in Low Spirits reminder (Hospitalization, Penalty, Money Loss, Unlucky and Bad Fortune, Unhappy Loss, Not smooth and Unfavorable Annoyance.).
7. The Troublesome Affairs on this Day reminder (Hospitalization, Penalty, Governmental Fines, Quarrels, Money Loss, Unlucky Events, Unhappiness etc.) and List of Today's Destined Troublesome Affairs and Time.
8. Dangerous Event and Traffic Accident Alert (People should be careful outdoors to avoid a dangerous event or a traffic accident) and List of Today's Destined Dangerous Time and Directions.
9. Please pay special attention to such a dangerous event or a traffic accident Text Alert warning message ***** Attention carefully: ***** The Dangerous Star and Traffic Accident Star (the so-called Satan and Devil) are extremely ACTIVE and DANGEROUS on this day!!! (The Important Message sent to you by the Guardian Angel)

[Paragraph Two - List of Destined Best Time and Directions for Today's Incoming Revenues]

10. List of Destined Best Time and Directions for Today's Incoming Revenues (The Destined Scheduled Time calculated to minutes, plus or minus +/- 10 minutes). Please pay special attention to such a congratulatory Text reminder message ***** Congratulations! The Fortune Star #1 (the so-called Fortune Delivery Angel) at this Favorable Fortune Receiving Bi-Hour Time is very ACTIVE! ***** Examples to be in use: the List of Best Time and Directions for Today's Incoming Revenues can be used by taxi drivers to seek for the mobility of passenger guest revenues; it’s the best time when the Fortune Star #1 (the so-called Fortune Delivery Angel) is very ACTIVE to buy or sell stock in the stock market.
11. Event correlative Party, Subject and Object: Please pay special attention to such a Text reminder message - Traffic Far Away from Home and Residential House/Place or Residence-Change/Outdoor Events, the TIME and Bi-Hour Time (except your sleeping or resting time) listed is the moment for you to start leaving one place (usually home, office, or current location and so on) for another place, i.e. the TIME and Bi-Hour Time to start leaving one place for another place (marking the daily Movements of people’s Location after the date of the Birth and the procedure done for you to have the protection of guardian angel after the first initial summons for the guardian angel).

[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day]

[Paragraph Three - Universal Numbers]

12. Universal Numbers can be used as the reference numbers for the global lottery buyers to purchase lottery tickets.
13. Please visit the official website to study the Working Steps for Worldwide LOTTERY WINNERS and seek for the lottery ball number that has Quantum Entanglement together with its nearby numbers.

[The General Conclusive Summary and Side-Fortune scores of Bi-Hour Time on this Day]

